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EBOOKS FREE DOWNLOADS is a simple website which provides you an ease to find unique books and novels to you, and gives you the opportunity to help you bake up something for your education and entertetment.. Visit our website and checkout all the unique engineering book and enjoy our best romantic novel.. like us on facebook and follow us on twitter. Akif anwar - Founder
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The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book) by Don Miguel Ruiz | PDF+EPUB+MOBI | 1 MB | Free Kindle, iPad Ebook


Rooted in traditional Toltec wisdom beliefs, four agreements in life are essential steps on the path to personal freedom. As beliefs are transformed through maintaining these agreements, shamanic teacher and healer don Miguel Ruiz asserts lives will "become filled with grace, peace, and unconditional love."
About The NOVEL
File Type : PDF, EPub, MobiKindle
File Size : 157KB
Pages : 37
Authors : Tima Maria Lacoba

A silver locket, a mysterious young man and a fated meeting. When eighteen-year-old Laura Anne Dantonville goes on her end-of-school trip to Italy, she is accompanied by her two best friends, Beth and Angie. As an only child from an over-protective family, Laura's friends promised to look after her. When they arrive in Sorrento, on the first leg of their Amalfi adventure, Laura meets the mysterious—and devastatingly handsome—Philippe Reynard. He, too, is on holiday and their chance meeting leads to events which threaten to ruin, and even prematurely end, the girls' time in Italy. Laura's Locket takes place some years before BLOODGIFTED and reveals more of Laura and Philippe's history.


About The Novel
File Type : PDF, EPub, MobiKindle
File Size : 1.30MB
Pages : 464
Authors : By Jessica Miller

All it took was three magical words… Tristan…is…alive. Ella knew leaving was wrong. She knew there would be consequences but what was at stake was far more important than anything she could have done if she stayed. She just had to see for herself. Ella also knows Josie’s time is limited. With the help of her friends, Ella takes off and introduces herself to a foreign land. She hoped to keep her whereabouts a secret but it isn’t long before her father discovers where she is and threatens to take her back kicking and screaming. Things quickly go awry and Ella finds more than what she was looking for in her search for Tristan. Ella knows eventually she must return home and face the aftermath of her sudden departure. But her head and heart aren’t sure they can handle it. Will Roman forgive her? Will Gabe and the rest of her friends hate her for abandoning them in their time of need? Found out what happens next in the all new installment of The Wanderers series with Unforgiven.


About The Book
File Type : PDF, Epub, MobiKindle
File Size : 250KB
Pages : 6
Authors : Angelaine Espinosa

The brave muses and leading ladies of these fairy tales as they discover true love. Four stories with a magical, legendary feel. "When one is cursed from the age of infancy, will love be able to cure?" "There are forces we cannot stop, and people we cannot seem to let go of." "Sometimes love falls into your lap without you even knowing it." "Could a monster find solace in the gentle mercy of an angel?"


About The novel
File Type : PDF, EPub, MobiKindle
File Size : 422KB
Pages : 93
Authors :Dawn Pendleton

This collection of Liar, Liar, Knocked Up, and Mall Rats features Hazel, Nolan, and Miranda. Discover what happens when this group starts at Coastal Carolina; the trouble they get into is just beginning.   The Best Friends Forever Series follows the lives of Hazel, Cheyanne, Destiny, Miranda, Lexi, Audric, Nolan, Andre, and Roman as they attend college at Coastal Carolina in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Each novella features a new point of view, but the series revolves around all nine characters, so get to know your new BFFs!!!


Handbook of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
About The Book
File Type : PDF
File Size : 10.8MB
Pages : 1401
Authors : Shan K. Wang

Energy conservation is a key factor in mitigating the global warming effect. Electric deregulation
and the use of real-time pricing instead of the time-of-use rate structure in the United States
have a significant impact on the energy cost. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-1999 has accumulated
valuable HVAC&R energy-efficient experiences since the publication of Standard 90.1-1989 and
during the discussions of the two public reviews.
For buildings of one or two stories when the outdoor wind speed is normal or less than normal,
the space or building pressurization depends mainly on the air balance of the HVAC&R system and
on the leakiness of the building. A proper space pressurization helps to provide a desirable indoor

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Design of Rotating Electrical Machines- Wiley
About The Book
File Type : PDF
File Size : 14.8MB
Pages : 531
Authors : Wiley 

Electrical machines are almost entirely used in producing electricity, and there are very few
electricity-producing processes where rotating machines are not used. In such processes,
at least auxiliary motors are usually needed. In distributed energy systems, new machine
types play a considerable role: for instance, the era of permanent magnet machines has now
About half of all electricity produced globally is used in electric motors, and the share of
accurately controlled motor drives applications is increasing. Electrical drives provide probably
the best control properties for a wide variety of processes. The torque of an electric motor
may be controlled accurately, and the efficiencies of the power electronic and electromechanical
conversion processes are high. What is most important is that a controlled electric motor
drive may save considerable amounts of energy. In the future, electric drives will probably
play an important role also in the traction of cars and working machines. Because of the
large energy flows, electric drives have a significant impact on the environment. If drives
are poorly designed or used inefficiently, we burden our environment in vain. Environmental
threats give electrical engineers a good reason for designing new and efficient electric
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Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Imaging by Kenji Suzuki
About The Book
File Type : PDF
File Size : 16.2MB
Pages : 410
Authors : Kenji Suzuki

Medical decision-making is a crucial element in medicine and in patients’
healthcare; yet, it is a complex task that is often difficult even for experienced
physicians. Biomedical imaging offers useful information on patients’ medical
conditions and clues to causes of their symptoms and diseases. Thus, biomedical
imaging is indispensable for accurate decision-making in medicine. However,
physicians must interpret a large number of images. This could lead to “information
overload” for physicians, and it could further complicate medical decision-making.
Therefore, computer aids are needed and have become indispensable in physicians’
decision-making such as detection, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases.
Computational intelligence plays an essential role in computer aids for medical
decision-making, including computer-aided detection and diagnosis, computeraided
surgery and therapy, medical image analysis, automated organ/lesion segmentation,
automated image fusion, and automated image annotation and image

Lord Of The Rings Part 3 The Return Of The King By J R R Tolkien
About The Book
File Type : PDF
File Size : 1.48MB
Pages : 260
Authors : J R R Tolkien

The Final Book of The Hunger Games Mocking Jay by by Suzanne Collins
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File Type : PDF
File Size : 1.30MB
Pages :179
Authors :

Modern Control Engineering Fifth Edition Katsuhiko Ogata Prentice Hall
About The Book
File Type : PDF
File Size : 65.6MB
Pages : 905
Authors : Katsuhiko Ogata

This book introduces important concepts in the analysis and design of control systems.
Readers will find it to be a clear and understandable textbook for control system courses
at colleges and universities. It is written for senior electrical, mechanical, aerospace, or
chemical engineering students. The reader is expected to have fulfilled the following
prerequisites: introductory courses on differential equations, Laplace transforms, vectormatrix
analysis, circuit analysis, mechanics, and introductory thermodynamics..

National Electrical Code Handbook 2011 12th Edition International Electrical Code Series by Mark W. Earley  P.E
About The Book
File Type : PDF
File Size : 10.6MB
Pages : 879
Authors : Mark W. Earley  P.E.

Safe, efficient, code-compliant electrical installations are made simple with the latest publication of this widely popular resource. Like its highly successful previous editions, the NEC 2011 Handbook combines solid, thorough, research-based content with the tools you need to build an in-depth understanding of the most important topics. It provides the full text of the updated code regulations alongside expert commentary from code specialists, offering code rationale, clarifications for new and updated rules, and practical, real-world advice on how to apply the code. New to the 2011 edition are articles including first-time Article 399 on October, Overhead Conductors with over 600 volts, first-time Article 694 on Small Wind Electric Systems, first-time Article 840 on Premises Powered Broadband Communications Systems, and more. This winning combination has created a valuable reference for those in or entering careers in electrical design, installation, inspection, and safety.

The Civil Engineering second edition by W.f. CHEN J.y. Richard LieW
About The Book 
File Type : PDF
File Size : 43.0MB
Pages : 2814
Authors :W.f. CHEN J.y. Richard LieW

The second edition of the Civil Engineering Handbook has been revised and updated to provide a comprehensive reference work and resource book covering the broad spectrum of civil engineering. This
book has been written with the practicing civil engineer in mind. The ideal reader will be a BS- or M Sclevel
engineer with a need for a single reference source to use to keep abreast of new techniques and
practices as well as to review standard practices.
The Handbook stresses professional applications, placing great emphasis on ready-to-use materials. It
contains many formulas and tables that give immediate solutions to common questions and problems
arising from practical work. It also contains a brief description of the essential elements of each subject,
thus enabling the reader to understand the fundamental background of these results and to think beyond
them. Traditional as well as new and innovative practices are covered.

Fire and Safety Engineering Design of Structures Second Edition by John A. Purkiss
About The Book
File Type : PDF
File Size : 6.0MB
Pages : 425
Authors :  by John A. Purkiss

The intention behind this text remains provision to those involved in
aspects of the design of structures to withstand the accidental effects due
to fire occurring within part or the whole of the structure and of the
tools required to enable such a design to be carried out. One of the major
revisions is that the author has concentrated on the European Design
Codes rather than British Standards which will in the course of the next
five years become effectively obsolete. However, the designer should still
be aware that any design code is subject to revision or amendment and
that it is essential that the most recent edition be used, and that where
this produces a discrepancy between this text and the Code, the Code
must be taken as the final arbiter.
The second major revision has been due to the impact of the large scale
fire tests carried out at Carding ton. This has meant there has had
to be a re-assessment of the behavior of composite steel–concrete frame
structures, in that the whole structure performance markedly outweighs
that of single elements. Equally, there are a number of guides produced
by either the Institution of Structural Engineers or the Building Research
Establishment promoting Structural Fire Safety Engineering.

About The Book
File Type : PDF
File Size : 55.4
Pages : 807
Authors :Jack B.Evett Cheng Liu

This powerful problem-solver gives you 2,500 problems in fluid mechanics and hydraulics, fully solved step-by-step! From Schaum's, the originator of the solved-problem guide, and students' favorite with over 30 million study guides sold--this time saver helps you master every type of fluid mechanics and hydraulics problem that you will face in your homework and on your tests, from properties of fluids to drag and lift. Work the problems yourself, then check the answers, or go directly to the answers you need using the complete index. Compatible with any classroom text, Schaum's 2500 Solved Problems in Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics is so complete it's the perfect tool for graduate or professional exam review.

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Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics  6th Edition By YOUNG,MUNSON,OKIISHI and HUEBSCH
About The Book
File Type : PDF (coloured)
File Size : 17.3MB
Pages : 783

Authors :
Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa, USA
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
West Virginia University
Morgantown, West Virginia, USA

This book is intended for junior and senior engineering students who are interested in learning some
fundamental aspects of fluid mechanics. We developed this text to be used as a first course. The principles
considered are classical and have been well-established for many years. However, fluid mechanics
education has improved with experience in the classroom, and we have brought to bear in this book our
own ideas about the teaching of this interesting and important subject. This sixth edition has been prepared
after several years of experience by the authors using the previous editions for introductory
courses in fluid mechanics. On the basis of this experience, along with suggestions from reviewers, colleagues,
and students, we have made a number of changes in this edition. The changes (listed below, and
indicated by the word New in descriptions in this preface) are made to clarify, update, and expand certain
ideas and concepts.